Review of 100mW Red Dot Laser Alignment

It would not be a nice job for workers to make the most annoy dot targeting for garments button positioning work. Users would have to spend a lot of time to make dot positioning before fixing button on cloths. However, the appearance of 100mW red dot laser alignment has just solved the problem efficiently. This is a very advanced dot positioning laser alignment tool. It is able to make accurate and precise dot targeting of buttons for workers. Thus its application can greatly improve working efficiency in various dot positioning working fields, including button positioning in garment making production line, laser engraving machine, laser marking machine etc. Usually the operation of this advanced dot laser alignment tool can reduce labor force and improve dot projection accuracy in all kinds of industrial working fields.

100mW red dot laser alignment

100mW red dot laser alignment

When 100mW red dot laser alignment is pointed on the wall, floor, or other background, it will project a real round red dot, but not red circle. In addition, the red dot has also assured its high beam concentricity in all possible working distances. In order to assure the best quality dot generation result, red laser alignment tool has just adopted import glass coated cylindrical lens. Not the same as commonly used gauss light emitting, it has just projected extremely bright, visible red reference dot with high beam intensity of uniform distribution. This special non gauss light emitting red laser alignment has just brought users totally different experience in various industrial dot generating working fields.
Owing to the selection of high output power, 100mW red dot laser alignment has just assured quite bright and visible red dot generation even though it is pointed on white color walls at much longer working distance. When the working surfaces are much darker than expected, the dark color background might absorb part of red laser beam. Thus brighter working surfaces can show much visible and better red line in practical use. When users are making line generation with this advanced 100mW red dot laser alignment, users should also pay high attention to surrounding environments.
Before 100mW red dot laser alignment is available on the market, it has been specially designed of getting the best dot generation result at 3 meters working distance. As a result, in practical dot projecting working fields, users should pay high attention to surrounding working environments and working distance. If users have extremely strict requirement of dimension of red dot, users should try the best to control the working distance. In order to assure the best dot generation, the ideal dot projecting working distance should not exceed 20 meters. If working distance is much longer, the red dot might become much bigger and dim in operation. Whenever users are using this advanced alignment laser tool, users should try to install it at allowed working distance. Only if users have made proper adjustment of targeting direction, users can just obtain the best dot generation result on all working surfaces efficiently.

Green Line Laser Alignment Review

If you have no other choice to obtain a high accuracy and high precision line generation result on required working surface, you might have a try of green line laser alignment. This advanced line projecting alignment laser always has no limitation of working distance or height. Usually the maximum line length can reach as long as 6 meters in distance. In order to obtain high quality line generation result, this green laser alignment can always be designed with outside configured mounting bracket. Whatever kind of industrial line generating working fields, it can just bring workers the most satisfied line positioning result in operation.

green line laser alignment

green line laser alignment

This green laser alignment always adopts the most visible 532nm green laser diode as its green laser beam emitting source. In long term continuous line generation working fields, it has just assured the most visible and the brightest line positioning in operation. Available with the most sensitive green laser beam emitting, this alignment laser line can be easily aborbed to human eyes, thus this green laser alignment is just the first choice for workers who are pursuing the most precise line generation in operation.
Green line laser alignment always adopts import 532nm green laser diode since its higher stability and brighter line generation in continuous line generation work. Usually the beams stability of this higher configured alignment laser line can improve at least 40%. In addition, it also uses especially strict internal structure configuration. This alignment laser line uses intellectual feedback electric circuit board. When the operating time is very long or selecting output power is very high, the electric circuit board has just made on time reaction to 532nm green laser diode. The special electric current filter design can make efficient filtering of electric circuit, thus making perfect protection of green laser diode. As a result, this green laser alignment always keeps perfect line generation with high working stability and even longer serving lifetime.
This green line laser alignment always adopts different size of laser tube. Whatever kind of output power alignment laser line users have selected, it is just cautiously designed with enough space as its thermal emitting performance. When the selecting output power is higher than 30mW, it always adopts larger size laser tube with diameter of 26mm. This high level of configuration has just made this lase alignment tool line obtain even better thermal emitting in long term continuous line generation work. In addition, it has just assured even stable line generation under all possible working environments.

Genuine Green Dot Laser Alignment

If users have got the chance to use green dot laser alignment to make dot measuring work, users might be fully satisfied with this portable pen style laser. This genuine quality line measuring tool makes the best utilization of 532nm green laser diode. It has just brought workers totally different experience while it is being used in industrial continuous dot measuring working fields. With the special laser emitting source of 532nm green laser light, this kind of laser alignment dot has just assured the most visible, brightest green dot targeting in use. Usually the operation of this advanced laser tech applied tool has no limitation of working distance or height since green laser beam can pass through many miles far away.

Green Dot Laser Alignment

Green Dot Laser Alignment

Before the creation of this laser diode tech applied dot alignment laser, there is no other more practical dot measuring tool in use. With the adoption of the most mature 532nm green laser diode technology, it has just projected the brightest green dot with high concentricity at any working distance. Among all visible lasers, the green light spot can be made with the lowest size of diameter. Within 1 meter working distance, the green dot emitting from green laser alignment can reach as small as 1mm. Owing to its low beam divergence of no more than 0.1 mrad, users can always get the smallest green dot on targeting surfaces. Usually users can get the best dot generation result at 3 meters working distance.
In order to maintain its long serving lifetime under working condition of continuous dot generation work, green dot laser alignment adopts import 532nm green laser diode. It can just assure its continuous dot projection work more than 12 hours a time without being disturbed. On considering that this green dot laser alignment is being used at different working distance, it has just adopted excellent glass lens with function of beam focus gathering. According to screw the head part of green laser alignment, users can just obtain different size of green dot in use. At the same time, the excellent quality glass cylindrical lens has also improved beam visibility and brightness.
When green dot laser alignment is pointing at different working surfaces, it will project different light brightness affect. When the working surface is quite dark, the projecting green dot shows much smaller. However, the green dot of alignment laser shows much bigger while the working surface is much brighter. Usually dark environments might absorb a bit of laser light. Whenever users are selecting this green laser alignment to make dot measurement, users should take full consideration of working environments. Only if users have made proper selection of output power, working distance, and targeting dot direction, users can just obtain the most satisfied dot positioning efficiently.