Green Line Laser Alignment Review

If you have no other choice to obtain a high accuracy and high precision line generation result on required working surface, you might have a try of green line laser alignment. This advanced line projecting alignment laser always has no limitation of working distance or height. Usually the maximum line length can reach as long as 6 meters in distance. In order to obtain high quality line generation result, this green laser alignment can always be designed with outside configured mounting bracket. Whatever kind of industrial line generating working fields, it can just bring workers the most satisfied line positioning result in operation.

green line laser alignment

green line laser alignment

This green laser alignment always adopts the most visible 532nm green laser diode as its green laser beam emitting source. In long term continuous line generation working fields, it has just assured the most visible and the brightest line positioning in operation. Available with the most sensitive green laser beam emitting, this alignment laser line can be easily aborbed to human eyes, thus this green laser alignment is just the first choice for workers who are pursuing the most precise line generation in operation.
Green line laser alignment always adopts import 532nm green laser diode since its higher stability and brighter line generation in continuous line generation work. Usually the beams stability of this higher configured alignment laser line can improve at least 40%. In addition, it also uses especially strict internal structure configuration. This alignment laser line uses intellectual feedback electric circuit board. When the operating time is very long or selecting output power is very high, the electric circuit board has just made on time reaction to 532nm green laser diode. The special electric current filter design can make efficient filtering of electric circuit, thus making perfect protection of green laser diode. As a result, this green laser alignment always keeps perfect line generation with high working stability and even longer serving lifetime.
This green line laser alignment always adopts different size of laser tube. Whatever kind of output power alignment laser line users have selected, it is just cautiously designed with enough space as its thermal emitting performance. When the selecting output power is higher than 30mW, it always adopts larger size laser tube with diameter of 26mm. This high level of configuration has just made this lase alignment tool line obtain even better thermal emitting in long term continuous line generation work. In addition, it has just assured even stable line generation under all possible working environments.

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